When patients start focusing on overall health goals, they create a foundation for better long-term health”
In the world of diabetes care, nearly every statistic is on an upward trend – from the disease’s rising prevalence to skyrocketing medication prices and employer health costs. A study by Nomi Health shows diabetes care costs topped $20,000 per plan member in employer costs for 2020-2021 and these costs are growing at close to 20% per year.
When it comes to measuring success in managing diabetes, patients and insurers alike focus on A1C readings. Yet there are many components that impact an A1C reading and a variety of other metrics that create a more complete picture of patient health. A diabetes management program offered to plan members is one way employers can advance health beyond just numbers.
Building a Foundation
Patients and employers in the onTrack Diabetes Management program offered by True Rx Health Strategists are discovering how one-on-one care from a clinical pharmacist can lead to better overall health. Adult plan members with diabetes who participate in the program meet quarterly, or more often if needed, with a clinical pharmacist to better understand medications, learn nutrition and exercise tips, and set individual health goals.
“Not only do we look at proper medication usage, but we also talk with each patient about any roadblocks or misconceptions around diet, exercise, and stress management. In addition to lifestyle guidance, we emphasize the importance of foot checks, eye exams, bloodwork to assess kidney function, and other factors to reduce risks of complications,” says Chelsea Durnil, PharmD, Clinical Innovation Pharmacist.
The wife of one program participant described how onTrack offered newfound hope. “Thank you so much for meeting with my husband today. We are so appreciative. He has been sick on and off for about three years with this. Today was the first time he felt some hope and ability to manage this properly. You are a lifesaver!”
“When patients start focusing on overall health goals, they create a foundation for better long-term health. That has the potential to reduce medication usage and lower the risk of costly health complications,” says Durnil.
ROI for Employers
There are two types of ROI for employers who implement a diabetes management program: measurable items like lower drug costs and avoidance factors, such as plan members avoiding high-cost secondary diseases.
- Patients improve overall health, saving money on total health spend. A study of patients in a diabetes education program, found that patients who lowered their A1C from 9 to 8 saved an average of $1,303 per year in health costs.
- Another study found patients in a diabetes education program had total paid health claims of $394.62 per month versus $502.48 per month for those not in the program.
- Patients lower the risk of costly complications, such as heart disease, kidney disease, eye disease, and circulation problems.
- Patients feel better and are more productive at work.
In the onTrack program, employers only pay for plan members who actively participate in the program. True Rx provides member engagement materials that can be used to explain the program and help enroll participants.
Learn More
To learn more about onTrack Diabetes Management or other clinical programs offered by True Rx Health Strategists, contact diabetes@truerx.com