As Health Strategists, we take a patient-first approach to health care. Our Diabetes Management Program empowers patients to actively manage their condition, as they work one-to-one with a clinical pharmacist.
Patients meet at least once quarterly with a True Rx pharmacist.
True Rx pharmacist assesses the patient’s current condition, medications, and lifestyle.
Action plan is implemented, which includes diet, exercise, and wellness.
Managing diabetes is complex, but True Rx’s personalized, pharmacist-led approach empowers patients with the knowledge and tools they need to take control of their health. Watch the video to learn more.
Patients who actively participate in the Diabetes Management Program experience these benefits:
Lower blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure
Reduce risks of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and other complications
Decrease hospitalizations and emergency care
Easy implementation
Only pay for patients who actively participate
Measure program results with ongoing reporting
In a 6‑month study of our program, 80% of patients reach an A1C goal (<7%). Download our case study to learn more.
Chad B.
Director of Clinical Operations
Aaron Searls
VP of Business Development
Mariah Pierce
Clinical Account Manager
Tina Wahba
Clinical Account Manager
Ian Jahn
Account Manager